Wu, L.; Zhao, J.; Li, Y.; Qin, H.; Zhai, X.; Li, P.; Li, Y.; Liu, Y.; Chen, N.; Li, Y. Biocompatible Protein/Liquid Metal Hydrogel-Enabled Wearable Electronics for Monitoring Marine Inhabitants’ Health. Engineering 2025, 1, 1–16.
Publication time:2025-02-28     Reading times:     Font:【BigMediumSmall

This article discusses the development of a biocompatible hydrogel combining keratin protein and liquid metal (EGaIn) to create wearable electronics for monitoring the health of marine animals. The hydrogel, named KELM, exhibits excellent biocompatibility, high mechanical flexibility, and impressive conductivity, making it ideal for sensing applications. The authors demonstrate its successful application in monitoring the heartbeats of various aquatic organisms, highlighting its potential for marine health monitoring and other wearable electronic applications.

Previous:Wei, C.; Zhou, Z.; Li, S.; Li, Y.; Hong, W.; Pang, X.; Li, M. Length and Conjugation-Controlled Memristive Functions of Metallopolymer Monolayers. Sci. China Mater. 2025, 68(2).
Next:Roemer, M.; Chen, X.; Li, Y.; Wang, L.; Yu, X.; Cazade, P.-A.; Nickle, C.; Akter, R.; Del Barco, E.; Thompson, D.; Nijhuis, C. A. Supramolecular tunnelling junctions with robust high rectification based on assembly effects. Nanoscale. 2024, 16, 19683.
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