Wei, C.; Zhou, Z.; Li, S.; Li, Y.; Hong, W.; Pang, X.; Li, M. Length and Conjugation-Controlled Memristive Functions of Metallopolymer Monolayers. Sci. China Mater. 2025, 68(2).
Publication time:2025-02-28     Reading times:     Font:【BigMediumSmall

In February 2025, Mao Li’s group and Yuan Li’s developed a solid-phase electrosynthesis strategy to fabricate length- and conjugation-controlled metallopolymer monolayers. By alternating oxidative and reductive electrochemical reactions, they achieved uniform and crystalline polymer monolayers with precise structural control. These monolayers demonstrated high modulus, low charge transport decay, and tunable memristive functions, offering promising applications for integrated optoelectronic devices.

Next:Wu, L.; Zhao, J.; Li, Y.; Qin, H.; Zhai, X.; Li, P.; Li, Y.; Liu, Y.; Chen, N.; Li, Y. Biocompatible Protein/Liquid Metal Hydrogel-Enabled Wearable Electronics for Monitoring Marine Inhabitants’ Health. Engineering 2025, 1, 1–16.
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